
Little Rosa Spider

Spinning Out A Story

Where better for a Spider to reside than on the World Wide Web.
So here I am, with my rambles:


Darling how could you be so
Far away from me
There's nothing here for me but
I'm missing all of your energy
You and I Hun, we have


Paranoia Part 3

Can't cope
With whats in
Out my head
Retreat to music
Heart breaking
Anger with my self
This self loathing
This paranoia
Will only anoy
So far from me
What I used to be
Silver screen helps
Make it clear
I'm not alone
Not trapped
There will be better days
Ones where I feel the sun rays
Until then
No sleep
Until late
And self loathing
For not participating

Ah well
This heart broken tries
Even if I feel I've died
Yet to this Earth, I am tied
So I wont yet cry
Dry eye


Paranoia Part 2

Can't express what's in
My mind
I feel it taking over
All the time
Stuck in this endless
Of hate for myself



So we are all connected to the stars
To Jupiter and Mars
The spark of life we share
All stardust
Our blueprint
Each unique and rare
Starlight I see in you
An infinate never ending you
Time and space we will explore
It's been many strange years
In which we have lost and gained
But a trail that lead to this
In all the small twists
I am grateful
One need not wait for death
To have ones' soul to rest



Red pill
Blue pill
Which to take
To swallow
Bristol tells me
"Take the blue"
Blue glass
But would I rather
Anger and Love



From another race
Playing with time and space
Once again there you are
So I know I'm not too far
From my dreams
But not all is as it seems
I'm swimming against the tide
To make heaven a reality
I don't want to be a fatality
So come and dance visitor
Never leave me wanting more
Satifaction I'd rather have
Hower the pain of waiting
Always waiting
I sort of enjoy
So for now vistor
Go your own way
And our paths will meet
Again one day
Let me cocoon
And emerge to fly
Although I try
It's still so hard to say




Why is every sad song
Relating to my soul
This is something I can't control
Who are you that is with my heart
My fantasima
The voice I wish to hear
The enity I talk to
For now I shall call you
The way things are
Will be and has been
Left so confused
I must just trust in One
One love
We are all spossed to have
And yet here I sit
Waiting for One
Whilst I live my life
Half alive
Half dead
I don't need completing
Just want to run
With my magnet
That empty space
Because Ones run faster
So in time I will take
To the road  and walk
Yet I miss One



Let the Muse flow
Through this pen
Let me convey
To you all
What I feel
'Cause my heart's
Rock and a hard place
Panic feeling
Desperate to communicate
So help me please DoG
The birds still sing
Yet I don't

I'll be out of smokes soon
Is today a good day
For talkng to you



Little rat
Round and Round
He goes
Trying to save face
In this race
No wrong turns

There's no map



Stuck between indesicion
Sat terrified
The role of Villian
I've played so well before
That mask I don't wish to take up again
So if everyone could live and flow
Around this Mountain
This indecisive rock
That is so tired of moving
Yet also so scared of visitors
Oh Mountain...You rock



Hard to let go
That you left my life so soon
Plans and hopes
The dust slips through my hands
As the tears flow
A slow realisation
Gone and not coming back

A little death

Enjoy your life



Roller Coaster

So I've been a bit low
Felt like I'd lost my mojo
My nest a right tip
How could I let things slip
Crying out for help at last
Let that brave face be
Medicated up
Feeling worse
Then boom
Open eyes and feel back in the game
Feather my nest again
Back to smiling
Thank you for keeping me going


Happy Voices and Angry Words

I've got words in my head
Voices are there
Are you scared?
'Cause they speak happy truth
Kind and unrelenting
And also miserable lies
But they don't let me down
Without them I am lonely
So hungry
For that chatter
Focus the mind
Release the mind
Release the tension
'You nervous?
'Cause i'm intense
A chilled out intense
There's no messing with
'Cause I'll feel it
Accept it
Convert it
Come back at cha with
Love and Kindness
Ghost me, fine
Scared of my plans
'Cause im in this world
Making ripples
Waves that save
You've got anger
Yeah, me too
And that fuel is gonna burn
Don't need dead dinos' to keep me lit
Truth in what I spit
Weaving my web
Little spider is creeping on
You gonna match me
Have I caught a fly
High up in the sky
Check out Brazil
Spiders capeting the sky
'Cause that hate some are producing
Well we will all spin it
Into silk
Into dreams
For a better world
I'll sit
I'll stand
I'll chat
Rebel revolting
Hunting for ya

When we catch you
Little flies
We shall hug and love ya
I wonder if thats scarier
Than prison
Thats the threat of control
Well we don't reciprocate
Not with hate
But that anger
It may seem scary
But we're only angry
Our webs are destroyed
Our playground

Do you need a free hug?


Nursery Times

What you hear
Is what I feel
You can't touch me
You can't reach me

Little Miss Muffet
Sitting on her tuffet
Wondering what she should be
When she grows up
Well we will see
She will be amazing
Just wait and ...

What you hear
Is what I feel
You can't touch me
You can't reach me

So one day
Little Miss
Said to them
"I'll show you"
Like a flower
She decided to bloom
Told her ideas
So started work

On and on
She worked
Planning, dreaming, and researching
Then her Little Spider friend came down
"Weave a web and make it strong"

What you hear
Is what I feel
You can't touch me
You can't reach me

So she gathered all her friends
Began to weave out of dreams
Inspiration it got them
Now go fellows and weave dreams

A web so fine
It seemed they were lazy
Then one day a community rose up
Strong as hell and free
They all knew she

What you hear
Is what I feel
You can't touch me
You can't reach me

Now little Miss
Sits on her  tuffet
Noone doubts her anymore
She span a web
You got caught

What you hear
Is what I feel
You can't touch me
You can't reach me
You can't catch me



Too numb
To cry
Have I scared you
So much
You hung up
The sound of me
Calling you
Is too much
For me it hurts
To reach
Grab at air
I miss you
Why won't you tell me
If I keep hope
Keep trying
Just a sign
It stings

Too much to cry


Dictaphone Fear

Stuck on a loop
Looking at the Sun
Looking at the stars
Little lunatic
Talking to the moon
Wondering what will come soon
Stuck on a loop
Nothing new inside my head
Just this little bird song
"Can you hear me?"
Stuck on a loop
"Do you love me?"
Stuck on a loop

Will one accept me?
Do I accept myself?
For my past sins to others
I appologise
I'm sorry
Stuck on a loop
To my past self
To that little one
Stuck on a loop
It's ok
It all turns out fine
I was a child
And everything becomes clear in time
Stuck on a loop
I want to accept it all
The highs and the falls

Stuck on a loop
Feel at peace
On my loop


Bathe Time

Some call themselves 'woke'
Others call them a joke
I'm just gonna have a bath and soak
'Cause all this can pass me by
I wont bat an eye
All one family
All one unity
Fighting, loving, and playing
So what cha saying
That I care too much?
I'm dealing with my own touch
Finger prints
Foot prints
On this undead rock
So go ahead and mock
Wait, no, you've not
No more rot


That Man

 Figure on a screen
Thats what you are to me now
Beautiful soul
Kept you in my heart
Hear your voice
When i'm 'sick'
(Love sick) now
But you're my muse
My motivation
The place I feel most safe
Is near you
I'm sorry if I scared you
I had alot to work through
To love myself
Before I could ever say
I love you


Survivors Song

Feather in ones hair
Fell to the street
When one walked away
Nothing I can repeat
'Cause this is my heart beat

Why can I not get my cake
Eat it too
Why not
Who made the rules
Humans did
I will live by my own
Nothing much can hurt me now

Been through a lot
Carried on
Pencil in my hand
And noone's touching me
Listen what they say to me
I'm sick, I'm ill
I'm in freefall
Happy with my visions
Haunted by the past
Walking over my coals hot
Blistered feet
But I came out stronger
Noone can touch me now
Pencil in my hand
And I'm defended
Like nothing matters
Stranger than that
I'll take my hits
Show my bruises
No shame
No hiding

They say I'm sick
I'm ill
They haven't felt what I feel
Noone else will
I pray
I hope

Stop the current burning


The Walk Here

Tapping out this little beat
Rhythumn in my feet
Striking out a beat
Feel my heart beat
Let's jump on up and meet
'Cause all this walking has given me
Tired feet
Here I am
Tapping out this little beat
All across the streets
Let's jump on up and meet
I want two heart beats
Dancing out this little meet



Doctors Day

So all is blurry
Messing with my vision
I wanna see clearly
But faces going by
They're nothing but blurs
Help me see
I wanna see you
The one i've been talking to
That empty seat
That feather on the pavement
That quote on the bar wall
Yeah, I've been looking in the mirror
Wondering who's my double
Double Vision
I got it
Wandering eye
Droop that comes and goes
So I'll carry on
Like the wind flows
Wondering where you are
Wondering why you're not with me
Why I can't see
Why I can't see you and me
I can't see


Ecofiles Rise

Sitting here
Up in my mountain
I think of all thats out there
Money makers countin'
Wondering why I lack that drive
Only wanting to survive
Live within my means
Everything I buy
I'm considering
Cradle to Cradle
And it might drive you crazy
Like it did me
But I'll take my pills
To live my way

Love is on my mind
I feel it's time to change
The current sea
Live more sustainably
Leave ourselves a future
Live for today and tomorrow
End the sorrow

If you hear the call
Rise up and don't fall
Let ever action matter
If you want your bank account fatter
Then do something worth while
Because we can all be



High tide and change is coming
Something new
Something unfurling
Meet in the street
An opening beat
An oposing beat
Step forwards
Step backwards
Fist to fist
Only saying
Then off we go now

On we dance in life
Let go of all strife
No need to pull a knife
Only peace and love
On our minds
In our actions
Gaining momentum
Gaining traction

Here all living on this piece of rock
Finding true love can be quite a shock
One that opens the mind and heart
Feeling like one has been marked
Never wanting to truely part
Open wings
Fly free
To always return
To we

Out of others reach
I am no longer theirs to teach
Ripened has this little peach

Butterflies land on my skin
But I have not been without sin
For all my  faults and virtues
I will honour you sir too
"Birds of a feather flock together
And we will survive any weather"

Let us fly free
Happiest we will be
When free we fly
Never truely saying



Music on my mind
Hear it all the time
No escaping it
No faking it
It sings to me
I'm helpless
To not follow the...

So what do you hear
The music's in the air

Tip toe and I feel you
No escaping the rhythum
Beat heat beat
Feel you
Sing to my soul

Move to the melody
"If music be the food of love
Play on"
Just a little quote for
Soul food it is to me
Need it all the time

Music on my mind
Beat in my bones

Let me move
I want to be
Little dancer
Play me some
Move to
Live by
Work by

How we chat
How I feel you
Always with me
That little melody
Safe and warm
I will always be

Keep me going
Something so strong
A real junkie for music
Colour is how you show
All the little vibrations
In the world
There for me
To see and know
That the world adores us so

Now lets get a bit more funky up in here
So what cha saying at me
Mind thouse vibrations
Putting out in the world
For all to hear/feel/see

Living in our mountains
Absorbing sound
All there in our galaxy

I look up ad speak to
That little Moon mirror
And that star sun brings me warmth
Fire red skin
So I will hide in the shaddows
And dance by your mirror
Little moon you set me free

Don't fear for that vegan vampire
I wont bite too hard
I dont wish to hurt you
But life is bitter sweet
I am but a dancer
Playing with the wind
It's hard for me to admit
But I love the ride
All the pain that comes
Remindes me I'm alive
Now I want my pain
In art form
Art the space
Music the time
That we play with

When did art and music seperate
The colours, shapes,
All the rest are an interpetation
Of this little reality
That we create
